A young and eager John Smelk founds Smelk Innovations. Smelk announced his plans to the Australian National Research Council during an unappointed meeting. With nothing more than his bright ideas to show so far, Smelk was labelled too ambitious.


The first version of the Funnyinator is released to the public. Printed in a book the size of a large encyclopaedia 251 pages long, Smelk's initial version was unoptimised, and ran on Smelk Programmation Language v1. Despite this, the funnyinator was ahead of its time by decades, and it became an instant success.


After a year of Funnyinator success, some began to question its sustainability; "Just think about how much paper it uses! We don't possibly have enough coal to burn!" William Jafumi, a strong critic and John Smelk's to be rival, exclaims in a broadcast. Taking this as motivation, Smelk works to optimise the Smelk Programmation Language by almost 4x.


The Mum Insulter is released, originally written in Smelk Programmation Language v3. The 70-page masterpiece was well awaited by the public after his 5-month isolation period, and earned him an invitation to dinner with King George VI of the United Kingdom.


Following the widespread economic devastation of the Second World War, the governments of many European countries (most notably the United Kingdom, Spain, and France) contacted Smelk proposing global development of Smelk Innovations. Smelk agrees to all (but France), and temporarily sets aside his newest project to focus on logistics.


The Haiku Writer is released worldwide. The easy to read, easy to use 12 page product is unlike anything else before. 75,000 copies are sold within the first week, almost exhausting Smelk's supplies.


Smelk Innovations blows the world away with an innovation. After 6 years without a new Smelk invention many believed the golden era to be over, but the coming innovation was so incredible that the BBC World Service paused their announcement of the death of King George VI to announce Smelk's newest creation. The Smelk BingleJuicer I is released to the public, packaged with it new, digitised versions of his previous 3 major products.


While the rest of the world enjoys the wonders of Smelk without handwritten code compilation, Smelk realises that there is an opportunity to be had in packaging his products together. Thus, the Smelk Suite™ was born.


The town of Robe, South Australia is left ruined after the first Smelk-Jafumi War. After a William Jafumi-created bomb is packaged and almost delivered to Smelk Headquarters, Smelkian loyalists retaliate with a experimental device ("The Smelkmobile"). Fortunately happening to fight in the streets of the objectively worse town in the world, the Smelkians and Jafumese never come to a joint conclusion, with both sides becoming increasingly bored as the battle progressed. They choose to come back to it some other time (they have not yet).


Now nearly 50, John Smelk approves the construction of Smelk City, a restricted Smelkian only paradise, located in a currently classified location.


Smelk Innovations annihilates Robe one more time because Robe sucks


The Smelk Innovations market cap breaks 250 trillion, a milestone since 1 trillion 5 days prior.


John Smelk releases his autobiography: "Small Company makes Big Innovations". It sells over 10 million copies within the first weekend. Within a month many litterateurs have declared it one of 3 most influential and important pieces of English literature in history.


John Smelk offers NASA one Smelkmobile v2 for using in the Apollo 11 space mission.


John Smelk announces his retirement to the world. Many feel that they may never see true innovation again. Despite the solemn occasion, Smelk is entirely ready to rest, and to hand off the company to his capable employees.


John Smelk comes out of retirement for one year because the employees were definitely NOT capable of running it. He divises a plan to cease operations until 2022.


John Smelk places himself in a ████████ ███████, waiting until the year ████ to ███████████████████. He feels that he wants to remember a time when Smelkian products weren't so unimaginably great.

John Smelk sadly passes away. No one's seen the body but it's buried trust us.


With a new millenium just beginning, many wonder what happened to Smelk Innovations. The expected Smelk New Years Party hasn't occurred since Smelk's death.


John Smelk is posthumously awarded 213 Nobel Prizes. "Probably should have given these to him earlier lol" reads a joint statement released by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Karolinska Institute, the Swedish Academy, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee.


Rumours from within the inoperative company make their way to news outlets that Smelk Innovations may be making a comeback. This is widely regarded as foolish optimism.


Smelk Innovations makes its return with Oscar and Owen. Releasing python/javascript versions of the Smelk Suite™, and smelk.dev (awesome website).

List of important dates in Smelk History